Wednesday, June 4

Published Bus Dwellers!

The book is out!  It is called Tiny Homes on the Move: Wheels and Water.

ttDOG and I were at my favourite bookstore the other day and look what we found:
The book that inspired us (left)
& the book we are in (right)!
Our 2-page spread :)!
We are still waiting for our complementary copies to arrive in the mail.  I've been checking the mailbox diligently... still not here.  But soon we hope!

If you would like to get your very own copy... order it here:

Happy Reading!


  1. I was just reading, "Tiny Homes on the Move", and saw your page & reference to your site. I've just read your entire blog, found it fascinating & will be back to see how you & your tfamily are doing in your new trailer. The whole thing is very inspiring!

    1. Hi Carol!

      So glad that you found us :)! We've been quite behind in the updating of all our adventures... I hope to find some time to get the blog up to speed. So much more (seems) to have happened!

      Thanks for connecting!
